
It is possible to commit human rights violations during an armed conflict
It is possible to commit human rights violations during an armed conflict

it is possible to commit human rights violations during an armed conflict

Can judicial authorities in other countries investigate and prosecute international crimes committed in Sudan? Can war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in Sudan be tried before the International Criminal Court?ġ9. Who can be held responsible for violations of international humanitarian law?ġ8. Are radio and television stations prohibited targets?ġ7. How must persons in custody be treated under international law?ġ6. Are internet and phone shutdowns in conflict areas lawful?ġ5. What obligations do warring parties have to populations in need?ġ4. What obligations do warring parties have to property, against pillaging?ġ3. Are warring parties permitted to target infrastructure such as airports, roads, and bridges?ġ2. What are the legal protections for hospitals, medical personnel, and ambulances?ġ1. What restrictions exist on explosive weapons in populated areas?ġ0. What are the obligations of warring parties regarding fighting in populated areas?ĩ. What are lawful targets of military attack?Ĩ. What are the basic principles of the laws of war?Ħ. Does international human rights law still apply in Sudan?ĥ. What law applies to the fighting in Sudan?Ĥ. Who is bound by international humanitarian law?ģ.

it is possible to commit human rights violations during an armed conflict

How does international law categorize the fighting in Sudan?Ģ. Residential buildings damaged in fighting in Khartoum, Sudan, April 20, 2023.

It is possible to commit human rights violations during an armed conflict